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Zeus, one of the most important gods in Greek mythology, was considered the king of the gods and ruled over Mount Olympus. He was the son of Cronus and Rhea and the youngest among his siblings. Zeus and Hera, who was also his sister, formed the divine couple in Greek mythology. After overthrowing their father, Cronus, and the Titans, Zeus and Hera became husband and wife, symbolizing the union of power and authority.

However, their relationship was fraught with conflicts due to Zeus's numerous infidelities, which often led to Hera's jealousy and anger. Despite their tumultuous marriage, Zeus and Hera remained the divine king and queen of the gods.

One of the children born from their union was Ares, the god of war. Ares embodied the brutal and violent aspects of conflict. As Zeus and Hera's son, Ares had a complex relationship with his father. While Zeus acknowledged Ares as his offspring, their connection wasn't particularly close. Ares often acted independently and had a reputation for being impulsive and bloodthirsty, which contrasted with Zeus's more strategic and wise nature.

Although Zeus was the father of many gods and demigods, including Ares, he had a limited involvement in their lives. However, he did occasionally intervene in Ares's affairs and had a role in mythological tales involving his son.